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[center][b]PREDSEZONA 2012 & USA TURNEJA[/b][/center]


[center][i]We are once again offering fans around the world the opportunity to have their face on the giant tour flag that will company us across America this summer.

Last year, thousands upon thousands of supporters put themselves at the centre of the action in Asia, and now you can do the same stateside as we travel to Seattle, New York, Philadelphia and Miami on a two-week trip.

David Luiz has already tweeted that he is on there, so why not join our Brazilian defender and show your support for Chelsea? But be quick, you only have until this Friday, June 15, to secure your position![/i]

[url="https://www.facebook.com/login.php?api_key=209414235739923&skip_api_login=1&display=page&cancel_url=http%3A%2F%2Fapps.facebook.com%2Fblueflag%2F%3Ftid%3D8%26error_reason%3Duser_denied%26error%3Daccess_denied%26error_description%3DThe%2Buser%2Bdenied%2Byour%2Brequest.%26state%3Db192292d6be01f7a6c7458b811704b4c&next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdialog%2Fpermissions.request%3F_path%3Dpermissions.request%26app_id%3D209414235739923%26redirect_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fapps.facebook.com%252Fblueflag%252F%253Ftid%253D8%26display%3Dpage%26response_type%3Dcode%26state%3Db192292d6be01f7a6c7458b811704b4c%26perms%3Duser_location%26canvas%3D1%26from_login%3D1%26client_id%3D209414235739923&rcount=1"]Keep the Blue Flag Flying High and sign up via Facebook here![/url]

ajmo ekipa, Å¡aljite[/center]
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[quote name='stifmeister' timestamp='1339446622' post='58501']
Zapravo ja skupljam sve slike :D

Odabrat će nekog Azijata zbog širenja na to tržište 100%

Sto bi birali Azijata, kad se ide u Ameriku :huh:

Koliko sam ja uspeo da procitam, svi koji se do 15. juna prijave imace mesto na zastavi :D
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[quote name='Whisper#2' timestamp='1339448216' post='58514']
Koliko sam ja uspeo da procitam, svi koji se do 15. juna prijave imace mesto na zastavi :D

A da, ja krivo skužio. Nisam ni čitao sve bio.
Mislio sam da biraju kao neko lice samo koje će biti na onim malim zastavicama uz Luizovo.
aaa moja greška

Ovdje će svi biti onda xd
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Nakon američke turneje, kao što vidimo, zakazana još jedna prijateljska utakmica što će vjerovatno biti i zadnja provjera pred početak sezone (CS 12.augusta).
Ovdje možemo diskutirati o nadolazećim pripremnim mečevima i vijestima vezano za pripreme kluba.
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[quote name='Wisey' timestamp='1340227680' post='60216']

Nakon američke turneje, kao što vidimo, zakazana još jedna prijateljska utakmica što će vjerovatno biti i zadnja provjera pred početak sezone (CS 12.augusta).
Ovdje možemo diskutirati o nadolazećim pripremnim mečevima i vijestima vezano za pripreme kluba.

Cini mise da je ova prijateljska zakazana prvenstveno zbog mladih igraca, i da ce neko od bisera konacno dobiti zasluzenu sansu.
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Znači, što se pripremnih utakmica za sljedeću sezonu tiče, imamo ovo dosad:

Chelsea vs. Seattle Sounders ( 18. srpnja )
PSG ( 22. srpnja )
MLS All-Stars ( 25. srpnja )
AC Milan ( 28 srpnja )
Brighton and Hove Albion ( 4. kolovoza )

Jedva čekam vidjeti sva nova ( već dovedena i buduća ) pojačanja u plavom dresu.
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